Thursday, 14 June 2012

Final reflection

My presentation wasn't quite what I hoped it would be. I told myself to stick to my notes because otherwise I would confuse myself and forgot points, which I did anyway. Despite this I think the out come was more positive than I expected.

Susan Felt that I had really addressed the issue of what a Library was, but that my building wasn't in accordance with what my concept. Brett agreed that it had seemed like I had been builiding up to something that wasn't there. I agree. Back to my design, Brett said while my conceptual background was good, my design could really have been in any uni or school in present day. It therefore didn't really contain any of the challenging ideas I had put forward. Again, this is true. I simply spent to much time thinking instead of drawing. I think during uni, during work, on the bus, while walking; I don't draw this way. I need to take my drawing process and transfer it into an essential part of my thinking process. This woul definitely improve my design.

I spent alot of time considering the theory and history of libraries, and got myself to a point where I was no longer sure what to design. On this point Susan said a box filled with stackable furniture would have been more relevant to my design concept, which I have to agree with. If I could redo the project I would have created a 5x5m box with stackable furniture; in this way it coulld be utilised by both groups or an individual in whatever configuration the wanted. There would have been no physical books. A library without books? Yes. I feel I have established they're no longer necessary. What I imagine the library system to become is a network of 'pods' and 'Hubs'. The 5x5 pods would be spread out inside, around and attached to buildings through out the city. Because of this they could be utilised by people form multiple points for multiple purposes. This could occur in Howard Smith wharves when other buildings are designed on and around the site. They would be controlled and looked after by A 'Hub Library' which would be a larger facility more central in the city. It would play a more typical library role.

I'm not sure if I could present this library in an actual presentation. It's quite terrifying how conceptual it is. It doesn't rely on the standard 500msq rule or any of the basic principles of current libraries, but perhaps it is the way of the future. Who knows?

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